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Janni & Mike

Join us for the upcoming wedding of

26.07.2024 - Buxtehude

Our Story

Janni and Mike's journey started in 2011 during 6th Form College after their time abroad in the USA and Argentina. Their connection, formed in English, Art, and Music classes, quickly evolved into a strong bond. What began as a spark of friendship gradually turned into a lasting love as they spent more time together. In the beginning, Mike had to pursue Janni's affections with determination, but her initial hesitation soon transformed into an enduring love.


Over the years, they faced challenges, conquering long-distance from Costa Rica and Canada during their respective times abroad. Even during the three years of their Bachelor's studies in different cities on opposite sides of Germany, their love remained resilient.


Today, Janni and Mike share a cozy home in Hamburg and spend their time in friendly competition at the board game table or in their music corner. They cherish exploring the world together, immersing themselves in diverse cultures through their shared passion for travel, food, and the joy of cooking international dishes.

Janni & Mike_kissies.jpg


- 26.07.2024 -

Wedding Ceremony

Close Family only

11:30 am

Am Gräfengericht 2

21635 Jork

We will be married at the  historic city hall in Jork, originally built in 1651 as a manor house. Whilst the ceremony itself will only be accessible to close family, we do invite anybody who has the time to join the ceremony from outside. We'd be delighted to see you after saying our vows.

Photo Shoot

Bride & Groom only

ca. 03:30 pm

While everybody else has the chance to mingle, we will sneak off to make the most of our wedding outfits.


This part of the day is still in planning.

Coffee & Cake

Close Family only

01:00 pm

Location TBD

After the ceremony we look forward to sharing a slice of cake and cup of coffee with you as a newly wed couple.

Open to all!

Wedding Party

05:00 pm - 03:00 am

Fischerstraße 3

21614 Buxtehude

The main event! We want to celebrate our union with everbody that is close to us. Food and an open bar will be provided. We've also organised some entertainment to kick the party into gear. The details will be revealed in the course of the night.

26 Jul 2024, 17:00
Rebel's Choice
We're ready to party! The official registration for the wedding is now open. Please note that we do require you to register your attendance again, even if you have already registered your interest via the early registration form. Please let us formally know if you are coming by the 30.04.2024.
Let us know if you can attend.
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